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22. february 2025


Za koktajl Amaro Mule potrebujete:

40 ml Amaro Istriano Rossi
10 ml svežega limetinega soka
Franklin & Sons Ginger Beer
Pripravite si kozarec in ga do vrha napolnite z ledom. Dodajte liker Amaro Istriano, ki je izdelan po recepturi starih italijanskih grenkih likerjev Amaro, sledi sveži limetin sok, na koncu pa za piko na i vse to prelijte s Franklin & Sons Ginger Beer.

Kozarec okrasite z vejico rožmarina ali limeto.

Užitek zagotovljen!
Amaro Istriano

Amaro Istriano of the Rossi family is a fine digestive, made according to rich recipes of old Italian Amaro bitter liqueurs. A well-balanced aroma is imbued with scents of berries, herbs, and roots, with a citrus finish, on the palate reminiscent of green walnut, almond, encian, Mediterranean herbs, and roots. A long and fine finish characterizes the liqueur with an elegant citrus bitter-sweet aftertaste.The suggested serving temperature is 8 – 10 °C. It should be served chilled and neat or with ice and an orange peel. Goes well in combination with dried fruit or as a digestive after a rich meal.
Alcohol level
28 %