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Penina Rose
Fresh fruit sparkling wine, which has been produced for the longest time and reflects all the freshness and pleasantness of the Dolenjska region.
-20% €12.00
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Koželj Wines Brezovica
Today open until: 22:00
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Fresh fruit sparkling wine, which has been produced for the longest time and reflects all the freshness and pleasantness of the Dolenjska region.
The extremely beautiful salmon color reflects the tenderness of the grape processing for this drinkable, smooth and palatable sparkling wine. Rich foaming and slow but constant chaining develop in the glass. The fruity scent of strawberries and raspberries enriches the perception of bread crust. The wine tastes fresh, fruity and harmonious.
The extremely beautiful salmon color reflects the tenderness of the grape processing for this drinkable, smooth and palatable sparkling wine. Rich foaming and slow but constant chaining develop in the glass. The fruity scent of strawberries and raspberries enriches the perception of bread crust. The wine tastes fresh, fruity and harmonious.
Serving temperature
6-8 °C
Extremely beautiful salmon color.
The fruity scent of strawberries and raspberries enriches the perception of bread crust.
The wine tastes fresh, fruity and harmonious.
Sortni sestav
žametovka, modri pinot, modra frankinja
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Darilna vrečka za vino 3 stk. NATURE 27x9x38
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Penina Rose
€9.60Write a review
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