The wine Alfonz was created in memory of the grandfather, his knowledge, tradition, and the family that exactly 100 years ago (in 1923) purchased the first 2 hectares of vineyard from Count Teuffenbach and produced their first own wine. We incorporate the traditional winemaking methods from that time and a modern stylization, which give the wine its distinctiveness, vibrancy, and liveliness – a true proof and stamp of the terroir.The grapes were grown according to high environmental standards, hand-harvested exclusively, and processed into wine using technologies with a low environmental footprint.Vinification: Immediately after harvesting the technologically ripe grapes, they were roasted, crushed, and cooled to 8°C before being transferred to a fermentation vessel, where cold maceration took place for 5 days. The grapes were then gently pressed, and the must was transferred into stainless steel tanks, where controlled fermentation occurred at 16°C. After the fermentation was completed, the wine aged in the tanks for an additional 12 months.
Ključ do vina Angel Belo Rezerva je vsakoletna degustacija vin namenjenih liniji Angel. Tista vina, ki na slepi degustaciji dosegajo tisto “nekaj več”, postanejo osnova za končno mešanje v zvrst Angel Belo Rezerva. Slednje vino podpisuje samo izredne letnike.Asortiman vina Angel Belo Rezerva in njegov delež se skozi leta spreminja. Edina konstanta, ki različne letnike združuje, je vitalnost vina Angel Belo Rezerva in njegova visoka eleganca.
Dynamic, with a mineral finish that adds depth and character. It reveals significant structure combined with profound balance and harmony. Its natural freshness is combined with stylistic maturity, creating a complete and satisfying tasting experience.
Despite the passing years, it offers a deep violet-ruby color. The bouquet is somewhat restrained but lively. Primary notes abound: cherries, blackcurrants, subtle hints of oak and smoke. In the mouth, it doesn't back down and showcases the characteristic high acidity of the variety, plenty of acidity, some additional notes of new wood, and above all, abundant structure and texture that will carry it far into the future. It is still very young, with a long finish.
Rounded shaped bucket- part of the Easy Line - with the peculiarity of oppositelyinclinedlines of the bowl’s superior edge and bottom. This attribute enriches the bottles contained and present them as they would be on a standing supporter. Its external, diamond-cut edge exalts the brilliance and thickness used within. Ideal to show and refresh one bottle of still wines or champagne. The bowl’s transparency makes the identification of the exposed bottles (and their label) immediate.
"Les Granilites" je mineralno vino. Mehko in dobro uravnoteženo vino. Fini tanini. Dolgotrajen zaključek.Intenziven na nosu z notami cvetlic (akacija, bezeg), zrelega belega sadja (hruška, breskev) in mineralnimi toni.
The perfect combination of chocolate and Medot’s bubbles – a sweet gift that enhances every moment.Handcrafted Molinet pralines filled with Medot sparkling wine.
Nujen nakup za vse strastne ljubitelje vin ali odlično darilo za nekoga, ki se nad vini šele navdušuje.- material: kaljeno jeklo in črna ebenovina- zapakirano v elegantno črno embalažo- ni primerno za pranje v pomivalnem stroju
Izredno suha penina iz grozdja sorte Žametna črnina po metodi „blanc de noir“. Cvetica je fina, dozorela, maslene note prevladujejo nad notami dozorelega rumenega sadja, kruhove skorje, limone, lešnikov. V ustih je zelo suha, tekstura mehurčkov prefinjena, kisline so visoke, telo lažje do srednje do srednje, pookus zelo dolg.
Deep red wine with a robust aroma. Australian fullness is intertwined with the elegance of blackcurrant liqueur. It tastes elegant, the right concentration of dark berries with delicate notes of edible chocolate. Nicely structured, velvety, with soft tannins and a long departure.
Iz starih sodov, ki so že odslužili svojemu primarnemu namenu, je mogoče narediti marsikaj čudovitega. Leseni sodi so lahko odličen uporaben ali zgolj dekorativen element vsakega doma, restavracije ali vrta.