Old gold colour with mineral reflections Rich aroma and multifaceted. Ripe fruit, buttery and mineral notes as well as delicately integrated spices originating from maturation in oak Full, massive but balanced mouthfeel with a compact texture that anticipates its longevity.
The wine Alfonz was created in memory of the grandfather, his knowledge, tradition, and the family that exactly 100 years ago (in 1923) purchased the first 2 hectares of vineyard from Count Teuffenbach and produced their first own wine. We incorporate the traditional winemaking methods from that time and a modern stylization, which give the wine its distinctiveness, vibrancy, and liveliness – a true proof and stamp of the terroir.The grapes were grown according to high environmental standards, hand-harvested exclusively, and processed into wine using technologies with a low environmental footprint.Vinification: Immediately after harvesting the technologically ripe grapes, they were roasted, crushed, and cooled to 8°C before being transferred to a fermentation vessel, where cold maceration took place for 5 days. The grapes were then gently pressed, and the must was transferred into stainless steel tanks, where controlled fermentation occurred at 16°C. After the fermentation was completed, the wine aged in the tanks for an additional 12 months.
Alfonz wine was created in memory of our grandfather, his knowledge, tradition and family, who exactly 100 years ago (in 1923) bought the first 2 ha of vineyrds from Count Teuffencach and for the first time produced their own wine. We bring into the wine the tradition of production and stylization of that time, wine is varietal, alive and vivacious, a real proof and seal of the terroir.
The wine is a beautiful, deeper amber brick color. Fully ripe. The bouquet is reminiscent of quartz, earth, even honey. It is dry in the mouth, slightly bitter, the fruitiness is long gone, structurally, with an oily texture, shorter.Harvest is manual at the end of September.
Hay-coloured, appears shiny, steady. The aromas of exotic fruit, mown grass and herbs prevail. It will surprise you with its fullness and harmony inside your mouth. A long, creamy aftertaste, which rounds up the entire image of the wine nicely.
Hay-coloured, appears shiny, steady. The aromas of exotic fruit, mown grass and herbs prevail. It will surprise you with its fullness and harmony inside your mouth. A long, creamy aftertaste, which rounds up the entire image of the wine nicely.
Hay-coloured, appears shiny, steady. The aromas of exotic fruit, mown grass and herbs prevail. It will surprise you with its fullness and harmony inside your mouth. A long, creamy aftertaste, which rounds up the entire image of the wine nicely.
Hay-coloured, appears shiny, steady. The aromas of exotic fruit, mown grass and herbs prevail. It will surprise you with its fullness and harmony inside your mouth. A long, creamy aftertaste, which rounds up the entire image of the wine nicely.
Ključ do vina Angel Belo Rezerva je vsakoletna degustacija vin namenjenih liniji Angel. Tista vina, ki na slepi degustaciji dosegajo tisto “nekaj več”, postanejo osnova za končno mešanje v zvrst Angel Belo Rezerva. Slednje vino podpisuje samo izredne letnike.Asortiman vina Angel Belo Rezerva in njegov delež se skozi leta spreminja. Edina konstanta, ki različne letnike združuje, je vitalnost vina Angel Belo Rezerva in njegova visoka eleganca.
Arhivsko vino je namenjeno resničnim poznavalcem, ki znajo ceniti njegovo uglajenost in, ki znajo določiti čas kdaj ga bodo pili, s katero hrano in v kakšni družbi.Arhivsko vino je lahko zelo lepo in pozorno darilo.Vsebuje sulfit.
This wine has an intense amber colour with a slight greenish tint. Varied aroma offers a mixture of dried fruits (apricots, figs, raisins) and dried herbs, which are complemented with honey, caramel and almonds wrapped in a note of smoke. Notes of dried fruits are caught in a slightly oily texture and are continued in a slightly spicy aftertaste. Lively but mature acidity is nicely complemented with residual sugar and gives the wineits pleasant freshness.What happened in 1974?After the excellent harvest of 1971, it was not until 1974 that another archive wine was produced. Despite this, the 1974 Furmint Trocken Beeren Auslese, not of a classic vintage, stood out as a truly exceptional wine.
This wine has a lemony-yellow colour with a slight greenish tint. The aroma exudes notes of dried herbs, blossom, quince and apples. Dried fruits can also be recognised in the background. The taste is sweet with mature acidity, hints of dried figs and apricots, as well as spices and apples. The aftertaste is medium-long and accompanied by dried fruits and spices.What happened in 1987?This was a relatively dry vintage. The proper level of humidity afforded by the microclimate in the vineyard (humid nights and morning mists), enabled the welcome growth of noble rot, which starts to develop above sugar level 70°Oe. The vintage of 1987 perfectly illustrates the importance of a ‘healthy’ microclimate. The grapes, which are slightly wind-dried, contain concentrated sugar, acid and extracts. The wines of 1987, together with those of the previous year, proved to be of exceptional quality with a distinctive character. As far as quantity and quality were concerned, the vintage of 1987 was above average. This was also the year that the company picked Welschriesling grapes on 6th January, which is known in Slovenia as ‘Vino treh kraljev’ (Epiphany).
This wine has a golden colour with a greenish tint. The aroma exudes a wide range of aromas: dried fruits, dried spices, varnish, sage, applesand quince. The mineral taste offers hints of herbs, sage and dried fruits. The aftertaste is spicy with dried figs and light tannins.What happened in 1988?The perfect weather conditions of 1988 helped create the largest number of special wines. Both the White Burgundy berry selection and late harvest truly stood out
100% fino vino. Drži se briške vinarske tradicije, ki zagotavlja ubranost okusov. Ne mara elitizma, a izstopa iz povprečja. Je dovolj drzno, a hkrati sproščeno, da z lahkoto najde svojo vlogo v različnih scenarijih. Je nov vinski standard kulture vsakdanjega življenja.
The color is medium gold. It is dry in the mouth, not lacking in taste, which is a pleasant surprise, depending on the vintage, and in fact the mouth is full of flavor. The bouquet is quite variegated, showing signs of maturation.
The wine is a deeper golden yellow color. The bouquet is fully ripe, smelling of honey, balsamic notes, rosemary and Mediterranean spices. In the mouth, the wine is dry, with higher acids, in accordance with the vintage and variety, the texture is a bit oily, and the wine offers an abundance of taste in the mouth, which is even a little salty here and there and ends in a longer aftertaste. A distinctive style of white pinot that shows most in the mouth.
A pleasant, fruity white wine with a light yellow color.. The nose shows apples, citruses, peaches and flowers. The wine is full-bodied and harmonious on the palate with a light and creamy finish.
The wine is a delicate lemon-yellow color with a discreet and sophisticated bouquet that smells of apples and lemons, accompanied by a mineral note of marl soil. The wine is dry in the mouth with nicely balanced acids and a hint of oily texture. Very good, ascetic version of the variety, which is not among the most common in Slovenia.There is a gentle touch of wood, which is expressed in the fullness and roundness of the taste. Harmonious wine with a long aftertaste and expressed elegance and softness. It goes well with most cold and warm appetizers you can imagine.18 months on fine lees in 1700 l French oak barrels.
Beli pinot bo navduši z nežno zlatorumeno barvo, ki razkriva subtilnost. Sadna sočnost, z izrazito grenivko in zrelim jabolkom, zaznamuje topel letnik. Cvetica je natančna, prijetna in kompleksna. Zelo suho, z mero kislin, ki je atipična za Brda, a beli pinot se na primerni legi očitno ne zmeni veliko za toplejšo klimo. Ponuja izjemno suhost, obilo okusa in dolg zaton.
Varietal, reminiscent of apple, grapefruit and lemon. Satin smooth, lychee and lemon taste rounded by a distinctive pear and white blossoms note. Straw yellow colour.
Varietal, reminiscent of apple, grapefruit and lemon. Satin smooth, lychee and lemon taste rounded by a distinctive pear and white blossoms note. Straw yellow colour.
Choosing a wine is always a subjective decision, depending on many factors (occasion, taste preference, price, food pairing, etc.), but it is also good to know yourself to be able to make the right choice. If you do not know yet whether you prefer dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet or sweet white wine, check out the basic guidelines of the experts, and even the extensive selection of our House of Good Wine will become a piece of cake.
How to choose the right white wine for yourself
Slovenians mostly produce white wine, and the most renowned varieties include chardonnay, yellow muscat, sweet muscat, pinot blanc and pinot gris, welschriesling, sauvignon, traminer and malvasia.
If you are new to white wines, it is a good idea to first find out which ones are right for you. A study conducted at Sonoma State University in California found that in the beginning, most people prefer sweet white or rosé wine before falling in love with dry wines or wines with more distinctive flavours.
When choosing, take into account the flavours you otherwise prefer, the occasion for which you are buying the wine, whether you will combine it with food, mix it or drink it on its own.
Although it is generally believed that the older the wine, the better, this is not entirely true. Only some wines taste better with age. Proper ageing of wine depends on many factors, including the region from which the wine originates and the amount of tannins, sugars and acids it contains.
And remember: our tastes change all our lives. Try a new variety every now and then. If you prefer fresh and dry Frelih’s Green Silvaner today, this does not mean that in a few years’ time Jakončič’s golden-yellow mature White Carolina with a perceptible aroma of coconut, caramel and overripe fruit will not suit you better.
Common questions
Serving white wine
White wines are served at a temperature of 8 to 12 °C, with lighter varieties, such as welschriesling and malvasia, being served at 8 to 10 °C, while richer or more structured white wines, such as chardonnay, sauvignon or barrique white wines, should be served at 10 to 12 °C.
Sweet wines should be chilled to 6 to 8 °C, while with sparkling wines this varies, depending on their complexity. The general rule for sparkling wines is to serve lighter ones at 6 °C, and complex sparkling wines and champagnes at 10 °C.
Which food pairs best with white wine?
White wine pairs beautifully with poultry. It can be served with full-bodied or light white wines, which also go well with fish such as sea bass and catfish. Aromatic, medium-bodied and full-bodied white wines, such as chardonnay and dry riesling, are better choices for hake and trout, while tuna and salmon require a full-bodied white wine.
Salty fish, such as sardines, pair well with a variety of wines, including dry rosé, sparkling wine and dry riesling, while seafood should be served with dry fresh medium-bodied white wines, such as Etna Bianco DOC Bio Torre Mora, a bold wine with fresh aromas of white fruits and herbs.
If you are serving strong cheese, such as cheese with noble mould or a strong aroma, pair it with a sweet wine, such as Prus’ traminer. It is a medium aromatic wine with a delicate aroma reminiscent of spices, liquorice, cloves and wild rose petals. The flavour of the wine gives the impression of luxury, with the distinctive presence of the prestigious botrytis noble rot, which gives the wine a special charm and combines perfectly with the cheese with noble mould.
Riesling, for example Verus’ with a pleasant youthful character, is suitable for combining with basil, ginger, pepper, horseradish, caraway and sage.
What wine glasses to use?
For fresh white wines, a tulip-shaped glass is used, which enables a quick release of aromas and the perception of fruitiness and freshness.
For mature white wines, the glasses should still be tulip-shaped, but more open and larger. Such wines contain heavier volatile aromas that require more volume to be released from the wine when the glass is swirled.